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Columbia Elementary School

Excellence In Education

Columbia Elementary News
Continuing Open Enrollment Begins March 1
Continuing Open Enrollment Begins March 1
Continuing Open Enrollment is for students who are CURRENTLY Open Enrolled to Mount Vernon School District and desire to continue open enrollment with the District. Complete your application through the Parent Portal on the District website.  Read more.... for details.

Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin on March 1 for children in the Mount Vernon City School District.  Read more... for details and appointment times.

Weekly Morning Announcements
Weekly Morning Announcements
Columbia News Crew is made up of 5th-grade students.  They work through lunch and recess, creating scripts, brainstorming ideas, filming, and producing the video.  
Please watch our Morning Announcements!

Columbia Elementary Facebook Page
Columbia Elementary Facebook Page
Please follow Columbia Elementary Facebook Page to see our Jacket Pride.

Upcoming Events
Battle of the Books

RR Hodges Chaple at MVNU

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Social Media Hub